Wednesday, March 14, 2012

#71 Dunes At The North End

#71 Dunes At The North End
8" by 8" original oil on panel

It was a glorious day at the beach and for a drive to Newport News.  I came home reinspired to paint what surrounds me and this particular scene is only a few streets over.  I used a palette knife and lots of paint and watched a documentary on Netflix...well more like listened that was called Food Matters.  I really plan to eat a lot more back to nature like this beautiful scene.  It is well worth watching...very informative.  I think more and more people are waking up to the fact that we can't keep shoveling garbage in our bodies and expect to be healthy!  So I am going to go eat some carrots!  Have a great Thursday!  Eat something good for you too!

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