Monday, March 26, 2012

#83 Bovine Gals

#83 Bovine Gals
5" by 7" original oil on panel

Two Irish dairy cows from Valentia!  I love the expression on the one in the back.  It is as if she is shocked at what she is seeing or something she heard!  I love the hairdoos too!  Hope you had a good Monday.  I am still getting used to living in such a busy area.  We had workers laying asphalt in the back of the house, a tree being removed across the street, jets flying above and jack hammers going across the street!  When the sound abated a bit, I got to work on my easel.  I did take a nice walk on the beach.  When I was walking south down the beach, it was lovely with the wind at my back.  Coming home, however, the wind was in my face and a bit of a sand storm on my legs!  No need to exfoliate for awhile! It was great exercise.  My studio felt great after purging so much yesterday.  Have a wonderful Tuesday!

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Roxanne Steed said...

Love their hairy doos, too!! :-D

Unknown said...

Thanks Roxanne! Wouldn't you like to be in Ireland again to see some of these faces in person?