Saturday, June 20, 2009

Norma Wilson Original Oil Starfish Sea Creature Ocean

Hidden Treasure

11" by 14" original oil on wrap around canvas with sides painted.

"Happiness depends more in the inward disposition of mind than on the outward circumstances." Benjamin Franklin

I really like this quote and it is a good one to post on the frig as I know I tend to forget this sometimes....wanting to control outcomes at times...thinking I know what will make me or others happy. :-) It can be like a switch in the brain to chose happy over unhappy. I experienced it today when my grandpuppy decided to give my tomato plant a bit of a "pruning". Needless to say....there will be no tomatoes this summer from this plant. My friend, Barbara, had given it to me as a tiny plant that she had started from seed. I was feeling a lot of pride that I had watered it every day and you would have thought no one else on the planet had such a perfect plant...I became very "attached". When it happened, I made a bit of an "issue" about it with my son and pretty quickly realized that I had a choice to be happy and spread happiness or do just the opposite. Feeling good and spreading cheer is definitely better but sometimes the opposite is SO tempting! If you are reading this Barbara, I HAVE taken steps to protect the herbs! Enjoy the weekend!

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