Monday, September 13, 2010



9" by 12" original oil on wrap around canvas with 3/4 inch sides painted.

I just loved the colors of this crab and went to town with that palette knife! I did this piece in two stages. Most days I finish a painting all in one day but recently I have been working back and forth a bit more and seem to be busier than ever. I have many fond memories from my college years and when I lived in Baltimore and would spend my weekends down at the Naval Academy. A bunch of friends and I would head over to the local seafood place where we would order dozens of crabs and beer and sit for hours eating and talking and having a wonderful time. My mouth is actually watering as I write this. I have had crab quite a few times since then but somehow the experience has not been quite the same. I don't know if you have to be in Maryland or just in your twenties but it sure was awesome!

 For more information on this painting, contact me at

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1 comment:

Dianne said...

This little guy is so cute and colorful!