Friday, May 06, 2011

Seeing Colors

Seeing Colors
11" by 14"

    There is no doubt that the two things that draw me to a subject is the way the light is hitting it and the colors I see reflected.  I remember when my first art teacher began to describe the colors that were on
an apple that I was painting and she began naming every color in the rainbow...I responded that I only
saw red!  It took awhile but soon I began to see colors!  When I would close my eyes at night...I was seeing colors.  It was like a part of my brain woke up and it was pretty exciting.  I think it a matter of
focus and if you have a black dog or white shirt and you get in different lighting you will see all the colors that are reflected in light and in shadows.  I LOVE color and so I try to exaggerate the colors I
see and have so much fun doing it.  Today I was at Harbor's edge with my class and did a demonstration using two palette knives and one brush for just the eyes.  I have painted this cow before but in a different format and using all brush work.  Sometimes it is fun to revisit a subject and change
things up.  Hope you have a wonderful weekend.  Not sure yet if I will post tomorrow but if I don't,
have a wonderful Mother's Day! 

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Roxanne Steed said...

good thoughts here!-I remember the first teacher that really taught me to "see" color....I gained an entirely different view point of the world- and nothing was ever 'plain' again! love the way the light catches on this cow!

Jerry Stocks said...

I love all the colors and especially the purple--nice painting.

Linda Popple said...

He is really handsome with all those colors!

Unknown said...

Thank you Linda..hope you have a great weekend!

Unknown said...

Thanks Jerry...hope you have a Happy Mother's Day!

Linda Popple said...

He is really handsome with all those colors!