Sunday, February 19, 2012

#47 Ocean's Treasure

#47 Ocean's Treasure
6" by 6" original oil on panel

Today while the rain fell in buckets, I spent the afternoon painting in my studio.
It was a great solace to imagine the sun shining on this beautiful shell making the pink center light up.
I remember putting the shell to my ear as a child to "hear the ocean".  These really are such beautiful shells.  Hope you had a great weekend and were able to stay dry!  Thank you to all my faithful readers and welcome to my new ones!  The numbers at the side of the title indicate how many paintings I have completed this year.  I made a goal to post one a day for the that is making myself accountable!  
On the days I want to procrastinate the most are the paintings I enjoy the most!  Hope you have a great Monday and President's Day!  

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Ada the Artist said...

What a beautiful painting of one my favorite creations by God;)

Ada the Artist said...

What a beautiful painting of one my favorite creations by God;)