Tuesday, February 21, 2012

#49 Oink! Oink!

#49 Oink Oink!
6" by 6" original oil on panel

Doesn't this pig have a bit of a demure look?  I had so much fun painting her!  I decided to leave the background very much suggested so she would be the star of the show and I am happy with it.  When I was about half way into this painting I laid a paper over it and soaked up some of the paint and I like what that does to the edges and the softness too.  Hope your Tuesday was a good one.  I took Miss Bailee into the vet today.  She is otherwise known as the demon child.  Her separation anxiety has been getting worse 
instead of better since our move so I came home with a new dog bed, plug-in pheromones, a "learning toy", and a gentle leader leash.  They saw me coming!  All this in hopes of keeping my shoes from being eaten. :-)

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