Saturday, August 16, 2008

Norma Wilson Original Oil Irish Kerry Cow By The Sea

9" by 12" original oil on wrap around canvas with 3/4 inch sides painted.

Hope you are all well and enjoying the weekend. Mine was spent mostly in my studio but I did run a few errands and thought the weather was beautiful today. This evening we are getting an unexpected fireworks display right outside my studio window. Brewsky is pretty nervous about the whole thing and has been very attentive to me. I am getting sad at the prospect of he and Sean going back to college on Monday. Sean is very excited to have gotten a car which he has been without for quite some time. He and Brewsky will get to both drive back in the front seat! Well, maybe Brewsky will be set up on a bed in the back after a bit. He has really filled out this summer and is quite a big guy. He still has moments when he thinks he is a lap dog though! Andrew gets his licence next week too. He will be learning from Tetra Brazil in a soccer camp so he is looking forward to a great week. It will be much quieter around here! Well, take care!
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