cottage! Well it really is a duplex but I think it feels like the beach cottage I have always dreamed of! While I have not been painting on canvas in weeks and weeks...there has been quite a bit of painting going on! Here is my new place before....
My first thought was that I had painted a lot of rooms. I could knock this out in a few hours! WRONG!! Several days later and THREE coats of paint applied with a BRUSH....I finished. Luckily my friend, Pat, helped and my son Sean came for a few hours too.
In progress....
Starting to look a bit more cozy...Miss Bailee and I camped out a couple of days before my big moving day. I had brought several car loads of things and wanted to stay overnight so I could keep painting! And go for walks in the early morning on the beach. :-)
Miss Bailee...alias "Demon Child". Making her bed.
Our first sunrise....
Moving Day....Bailee is in shock. I got her some treats called "Pet Ease". If they eased her stress at all...I SURE COULDN'T TELL!! After taking off out the front door at our old house and scaring all of us she shook and cried all the way to the beach and cried in the room where she was kept until all the moving was
completed. She is a bit high say the least. I really wish I had managed to get some pictures of the people who helped me move. Thanks so much to Lena, Ron, Johnny, Pat, Drew, John, Sean, Pat and Claudia and Adele who all helped me pull it all together and I am so very grateful! I am excited about this new adventure and inspirational setting!! I will be back in my studio soon to get the oil paint flowing on canvas again!
I have more pictures to share and thoughts about the move but for some reason my photo editor is not uploading properly. I will leave it here and add a collage from my recently sold paintings. I have that copied from a photo program that I can add in directly. Amazingly in spite of the fact that I have not painted in two months, I have wonderful collectors who have purchased a dozen painting in that time and I truly appreciate
your interest and that you have followed my work in my absence. Thank you!
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