Wednesday, October 26, 2011

One Last Look

One Last Look

11" by 14" original oil on wrap around canvas with sides painted.

I must admit that I love to have sappy old movies on in my studio when I am painting.  Many of my artist friends are surprised to hear that as they like to have music or quiet when they paint.  I had just seen a very dramatic scene where the female lead was having to say goodbye to her love who was leaving during the war and they both turned around to have one last look.  Then this cow was the next painting I worked on!  Do you think I transferred any of that romantic longing?  Is there a dashing bull in the field?  It was a fun afternoon in the studio!  My bovine gal and I watched chick flicks....well more like listened to really.  I just like the company and older movies are like comfort food to me as I remember watching them with my Dad on Saturday mornings growing up.  What is your favorite old movie?  My all time favorite is An Affair to Remember but I also loved Alfred Hitchcock thrillers like Rear Window and North by Northwest.  I'd love to have some suggestions.  I have Netflix on my computer.  Have a fantastic Thursday!

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