Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Daisy Moo

Daisy Moo
12" by 12" original oil on wrap around canvas with sides painted


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This special Moo Cow is a British Cow who was inspired by Angie who said she would like to see me paint a British Cow.  They are distinguished by a black tip on their front chest area and also by a dark muzzle.  I wonder how she feels about the Royal Couple?  I used one of the names that was give to me last week when I asked for help naming my cow.  Thank you Rita!  I am dead on my feet tonight as I have been spray painting wicker, cleaning out my attic, closets, etc. with the hopes of a new beginning down the road at the beach!  I see more seascapes, sea birds, and all kinds of beachy stuff in my future!  Hope you had a great Tuesday.  I may be blogging every other day for awhile! :=)

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